Glenn Kurowski
Glenn Kurowski is the Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for CACI International Inc, a global provider of expertise and technology serving defense, intelligence, and federal civilian government customers.
In this role, Mr. Kurowski is responsible for advancing critical technologies, driving technology investments, identifying and developing strategic partnerships, and recruiting and developing the company’s technical workforce to accelerate growth and innovatively address customers’ most challenging needs.
A veteran of the technology industry and a proven innovator and strategist, Mr. Kurowski joined CACI in 2014 and has been instrumental in shaping the company’s transition to a technology-powered national security leader. Additionally, Mr. Kurowski has worked across CACI to leverage its engineers, scientists, innovators, and technical talent to create innovative solutions and generate new intellectual property and technology offerings. He was instrumental in CACI’s pivot to being market-aligned; professionalized the solution architect profession; established the company’s independent research and development program; and initiated academic partnerships. Mr. Kurowski was selected by Federal Computer Week (FCW) to its 2023 Federal 100 (Fed100) list of outstanding government and industry leaders who have gone above and beyond in support of federal IT.
Prior to joining CACI, Mr. Kurowski had been with Lockheed Martin for 29 years, progressing in engineering and leadership roles in support of defense and intelligence customers. He advanced to the position of vice president, leading and growing a business unit of more than $700 million and over 2,000 people. He is a recipient of Lockheed Martin’s highest honor for technical excellence.
His career started in acoustic signal processing and semiconductor design; he then moved into secure communications to replace antiquated Department of Defense/intel systems. He led Lockheed Martin into software-defined radios, including the capture and program management of the Airborne, Maritime, and Fixed Station Joint Tactical Radio System. Subsequently, Mr. Kurowski led a product development effort leveraging cellular and smartphones for tactical theater.
In the last decade, Mr. Kurowski has pivoted to combining the application of analytics, artificial intelligence, and cloud-based technologies to CACI’s markets, including C4ISR, electronic warfare, and digital solutions, as well as applying open architecture, Agile methodologies, and DevSecOps to revolutionize software development.
Long a proponent of the next generation of talent, Mr. Kurowski is the technical champion of CACI’s intern program, the sponsor of CACI’s academic relationships, a board member of Virginia Tech’s National Security Institute (NSI), and a proponent of reverse mentoring initiatives to accelerate the adoption of digital native thinking and innovation.
Mr. Kurowski holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also a certified program manager and certified architect.