All Source Analyst Advanced Course
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All Source Analyst Advanced Course

CACI developed the Advanced Course modules in response to client feedback on a need for topical or "just-in-time" training for a team or a group. Analysts don't need to complete the modules in order or all at once; they are a compilation of advanced skills that analysts would want to acquire. That being said, completing all modules should give an analyst understanding of how to handle more complex types of analysis. Courses are not in prerequisite order.

  • Warning Analysis and Deception Detection: This module provides an introduction and history of warning analysis, discussing its importance and why it is so difficult. There is an instruction in structured tools for analysts to use to develop warning analysis. Integral to warning analysis is the ability to look for and detect adversarial deception. Structured tools for deception detection are also discussed. Using a case study, analysts will practice the tools and receive feedback.
  • Visualization Techniques – Sorting, Chronologies, Timelines, and Matrixes: This module introduces commonly used structured techniques that all analysts should be familiar with to help them visualize and understand large amounts of information. Using a case study, analysts will use the tools and receive feedback.
  • Backcasting: This module provides analysts with the capability to alert a decision-maker to an event that could happen by looking at pathways that it can occur. This can be useful on issues where there is a widely-held belief the event would not occur. Looking back at pathways gives a decision-maker the ability to reassess the situation, which may go against long-held mindsets. Using a case study, analysts will use the tools and receive feedback.
  • Alternative Futures Analysis: This module introduces analysts to several structured analytic techniques that can help conduct estimative intelligence. These techniques can help in emerging situations, as well as looking at alternatives to widely held analytic lines. Using a case study, analysts will practice the tools and receive feedback.
  • Product Review: This module introduces analysts to the skill of reviewing draft production for analytic tradecraft and quality. The four sweeps method is used in this module as a methodology for review. Analysts will be introduced to review checklists and how to use them.
  • Opportunity Analysis: This module provides analysts with structured analytic techniques that can help decision-makers spot possible opportunities in their portfolios. Several structured techniques provide outputs, that when included in analytic products, can assist decision-makers. Using a case study, analysts will practice the tools and receive feedback.
  • Writing for Release: Clients asked for this module to address the ICD 208 requirement to write for maximum utility. The module discusses developing analytic products that different customers can use to the maximum extent possible. Additionally, the module discusses the foreign disclosure officers and how analysts should know and work with their foreign disclosure office to facilitate writing for release.
  • Intelligence Community Coordination: This module discusses the intelligence coordination and collaboration processes and provides general guidance to assist analysts in conducting both functions. For this module, Intelligence Community coordination is the process of coordinating a draft product to IC stakeholders requesting feedback before the product is finalized. Intelligence Community collaboration involves IC stakeholders in the development and construction of the analytic product from the start of the process.

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